Together for the planet

The PhD in Sustainable Development and Climate Change can count on the participation of over 80 professors and more than 250 students: a network of knowledge and skills that aims to design solutions to make society sustainable in all its aspects.


Click below and meet all the professors involved in the PhD: wisdom and knowledge for a sustainable future.

Our professors

PhD Candidates

Meet all the present and past students of the PhD: more than 250 people who are helping to save our planet.

Our students

PhD Coordination Committee

Mario Martina  
Coordinator |
Roberto Buizza
Member |
Claudia Lupi
CU1 coordinator |
Elisa Giuliani
CU2 coordinator  |
Michele Pezzagno
CU3 coordinator  |
Alberto Pirni
CU4 coordinator  |
Cristina Nali
CU5 coordinator  |
Marina Boido
CU6 coordinator  |