Now open for application
Closed for application

Economic dimension of the public policies and regulatory frameworks within the European Green Deal

  • Reference person
  • Host University/Institute
    Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna - Pisa
  • Internship
  • Research Keywords
    European Green Deal
    Public policies
    corporate strategies
  • Reference ERCs
    SH2_1 Political systems, governance
    SH7_6 Environmental and climate change, societal impact and policy
    SH1_10 Management; strategy; organisational behaviour
  • Reference SDGs
    GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
    GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
    GOAL 13: Climate Action
  • Studente
  • Supervisor
  • Co-Supervisor


We welcome projects addressing the economic dimension of the public policies and regulatory frameworks developed within the context of the European Green Deal, with particular attention on the engagement of the private sector. In particular, we encourage submissions concerning (i) the economic analysis and assessment of some key Green Deal policies and legislations, including those in the fields of energy, agri-food and biodiversity protection, (ii) the rationale, potential and shortcomings of the ‘climate neutral’ economic model promoted by the Green Deal, with a particular focus on the possibility to develop such model within the specific institutional and regulatory context of the European Union, (iii) the economic impact of the various transitions triggered by the Green Deal and the role played by public regulation in connection with corporate strategies. Submissions are expected to rely on genuine trans-disciplinarity and to combine strong theoretical foundations with an applied social sciences approach.

Suggested skills:

We are looking for candidates with law, economic and business management skills, with particular reference to sustainability management.

Research team and environment

The research will take place at the Interdisciplinary Center on sustainability and climate that is a transdisciplinary research area that operates in the fields of Social and Experimental sciences. The Centre fosters research, teaching, and the development of innovative solutions to issues related to sustainability and the pressing challenge of climate change. The co-supervisor of this research project is Prof. Chiti Full Professor of Administrative Law, his expertise are on the features and ways of functioning of the European Green Deal as a Regulatory Project aimed at ensuring the ecological transition of the European Union