Electrochemical processes are now a real opportunity for obtaining various chemicalproducts at low temperatures and "easily", even starting from waste and biomass,water and CO2. In this context, it is extremely important to design nano-catalysts,through morphologies, couplings and “ad hoc” compositions to improve theprocesses performance. Electricity supplied from renewable energy sources allowsfor sustainable productions, and can be a real smart approach.Biodiesel production can be achieved through esterificationand/or trans-esterification of fatty acids, in the presence of inorganic orenzymatic catalysts. Enzymes immobilization allowsovercoming the main drawbacks, which are free enzymes, poor stability, and costs.Enzymatic immobilization on nanoparticles based on a suitable design andoptimization can significantly enhance catalytic performance. One of the possible ways to reduceCO2 emission is to capture and eventually valorise it. In this scenario, the mainchallenge is to develop new solutions with low environmental impacts. On the otherhand, CO2, through a chemical way and use of non-fossil energy, can betransformed into chemicals, pharmaceuticals, or biofuels, e.g., syngas for mediatedproductions. In this scenario of electrochemical nano-assisted catalysis, the exploration of carbonnanomaterials as catalysts support, due to their conductivity, large specific surfacearea, high porosity, and relative chemical inertness results of particular interest.
Chemical EngineeringEnvironment EngineeringNanotechnology
The PhD student will work inside the Interdepartmental Research CenterNANO_MATES (Research Centre for NANOMAterials and nanoTEchnology atSalerno University) c/o Department of Physics of the Salerno University.NANO_MATES was born with the idea of generating a research network within theSalerno Campus to enhance the skills acquired in the field of nanosciences andnanotechnologies with a particular focus on sustainability. In particular, the research teammainly composed of Chemical Engineers, is constituted of 2 Full Professors, 3Associate Professors, 4 PhD student, 3 senior researchers and several PhD/PostDocs responsible of different National and International collaborative projects.