Knowledge about atmospheric chemistry and physics The capability of performing data analysesKnowledge about analytical techniques for atmospheric trace gases
The training will take place at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo under the supervision of Prof. Michela Maione and Prof. Umberto Giostra from the departments of Pure and Applied Sciences, in strict collaboration the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (CNR-ISAC). Research activities carried out at UNIURB that are relevant for the proposal are: chemical and physical basis of climate change, analytical methods for measuring atmospheric composition changes and atmospheric modelling. Michela Maione is professor of environmental chemistry. Her research is in the field of atmospheric composition change in relation to air quality and climate change. She is responsible for the long-term programme for observations of climate altering and ozone depleting substances and of volatile organic compounds at the GAW-WMO station of Monte Cimone. This activity is carried out within international networks, such as AGAGE and ACTRIS. She has authored more than 100 publications and is Lead Author in the 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. Umberto Giostra is professor of climatology. His main activity concerns theoretical, numerical and experimental studies on atmospheric turbulence structure, on meso-scale motions (meandering and gravity waves) and on dispersion modelling. He has authored more than 60 publications in peer-reviewed journals. Has been involved as PI or WP leader in more than 20 research projects. Has supervised more than 30 Master's Degree theses (Physics and Environmental Sciences), more than 20 PhD theses. He has tutored more than 20 post-doc and CNR (Italian Research Council) research fellows.