The project aims to monitor and map Italy's progress toward achieving net zero emissions (NZE), specifically focusing on sectoral levels. Through an extensive literature review encompassing Italy and other European countries, the candidate will analyze and select indicators crucial for assessing recent trends and the effectiveness of policies aimed at NZE, with a particular emphasis on the "hard to abate" sectors.The precise scope of the research focus will be determined collaboratively by the candidate and the tutoring team. A preliminary proposal outlining the proposed research direction must be developed within the written project, which will be submitted during the application process. Additionally, the proposal will be briefly presented during the oral interview stage for shortlisted candidates.Useful references:Rockström, J., Gaffney, O., Rogelj, J., Meinshausen, M., Nakicenovic, N., & Schellnhuber, H. J. (2017). A roadmap for rapid decarbonization. Science, 355(6331), 1269-1271.Sun, T., Ocko, I. B., Sturcken, E., & Hamburg, S. P. (2021). Path to net zero is critical to climate outcome. Scientific reports, 11(1), 22173;Barbabella, A., Montanini, C., Ferruccio V. (2023). PROPOSTA DI ROADMAP PER LA NEUTRALITA’ CLIMATICA DELL’ITALIA in vista della pubblicazione della proposta di Piano. Italy for Climate.
Knowledge and experience in Environmental studies; skills in analysis of data and ability in navigating databases, in particular in the field of climate change and emissions. Aquaintance with micro- and macroeconomics, particulary Industrial Organisation and Economic/Social Policies.Knowledge of Italian is not required, but might be useful at the beginning of the internship.
The research will be conducted at REMARC - DEM - University of Pisa. The expertise of Prof. D'Alessandro and collaborators in IAM will complement my knowledge in SD, multicriteria assessment, and composite indicators. The student will benefit from the diverse competences at two interdisciplinary Research Centers on sustainability at the University of Pisa (Energia per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile, CIRESS; Studio degli Effetti del Cambiamento Climatico, CIRSEC). Part of the research will be carried out at the Sustainable Development Foundation, which focuses on climate neutrality, energy transition, circular and regenerative economy, green cities, sustainable mobility, and natural capital.