The object of the research is the identification of solutions of complete self-sufficiency for energy communities through innovative methods for the integration of electrical and thermal systems, powered only by renewable sources produced locally (solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, etc.). ICT technologies and artificial intelligence will be adopted. Future scenarios are studied in which it is not sustainable to use the electricity and gas grid and the energy needs of civil, industrial and agricultural buildings must be satisfied with only renewable sources to be produced on site. In this scenario, it is necessary to study a completely innovative case in which it will be necessary to adapt the energy demands of users (negotiating consumption for civil uses with those for industrial use) with the energy available in terms of both overall consumption and hourly distribution. This perspective induces a radical change in current habits and lifestyles in terms of citizens' consumption and productive activities. Specific research topics are: integration of storage systems, renewable sources, utilities with ICT technologies and electronic platforms to maximize sustainability and energy efficiency. Development of artificial intelligence systems based on the monitoring of energy consumption and climatic conditions of buildings and plants to provide an information system to aid decisions.
The candidate should have a good mathematical background and computer programming skills. Energy systems and energy systems integration knowledge and understanding. Computer programming skills are necessary. Big data analytics and artificial intelligence methods (neural Network, machine learning etc). The candidate should be open minded and able to dialogue with colleagues with socio economic skills in order to undestand the socio-economic interactions into an Energy Community
The research team is composed by professors of the Department of Energy Systems Constrction and Technology Engineering, in particular Prof. Daniele Testi, Prof. Marco Raugi and Prof. Mauro Tucci. The candidate will also operates in the very stimulating framework of the Interdipartmental Research Centre on Energy for Sustainable Development https://ciress.It/ and the UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Energy Communities where many experts on Electric Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Computer Science, Thermal Engineering etc etc will dialogue, help and guide the student activities.