Now open for application
Closed for application
Scolarship code CU4.02

The Documedial Capital for Future Generations

  • Reference person
  • Host University/Institute
    Università degli Studi di Torino
  • Internship
  • Research Keywords
    Future generations
    Education for sustainability
  • Reference ERCs
    SH3_4 Social integration, exclusion, prosocial behaviour
    SH5_10 Ethics and its applications; social philosophy
  • Reference SDGs
    GOAL 4: Good Quality Education
    GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
    GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
  • Studente
  • Supervisor
  • Co-Supervisor


Technological progress, social complexities, and ecological and health crises are forcing us to reconsider the terms of our existence and the nature of our relations with the natural and social reality.We know that many social practices implemented through information technologies create value, namely a “documedial” capital – i.e., the value of the data generated by processing and sharing the traces we produce using the Web. This capital is exploited by digital platforms but is rarely conceptualised or capitalised for the benefit of the community or future generations like a “webfare”. An integration between the theory of transgenerationality and the theory of documedial capital seems therefore promising for identifying economic resources that policy makers can use to support the implementation of transgenerational policies aimed at social and environmental sustainability. Possible research lines: - Institutions. Characteristics of national and European institutions functional to a transgenerational society;- Representation. Representing future generations: philosophical, legal and political instruments;- Education. How to educate to sustainable development to prevent climate change and demographic impacts, and create and strengthen resilient and OSS-centred school systems.

Suggested skills:

The ideal candidate has a good knowledge of philosophy, its history and concepts; she/he possesses the conceptual tools suitable for the development of independent, but above all interdisciplinary research; she/he has good interpersonal skills, the ability to work in a team in a fruitful manner, and the interest in expounding her/his own point of view.

Research team and environment

The PhD Student will work in the "Labont - Center for Ontology", an interdepartmental center of Unito involving the Departments of Philosophy and Education, Psychology, Law, Management, and Culture, Politics and Society. The Labont seeks to promote scientific research on topics that intersect different subject areas by focusing on ontology (understood as the philosophical discipline that aims at providing an inventory of what exists in a certain domain), and in particular on social ontology and ontology of social organizations, of art, of economics, of law, of gender, of biology, political ontology, ontology of architecture and design, ontology and cognitive science, and psychology.