The Amazon Rainforest if of utmost importance for the stability of the Earth System but also fulfills important “socioeconomic functions” by providing ecosystem services that are essential for the global economy.
The research aims at assessing the possible trajectories of the Amazon Rainforest and the global economy with reference to the Amazon tipping points. For this sake, a thorough analysis of the ecological footprints caused by human economic activity on the Amazon shall be coupled with the understanding of the dependencies of the global economy on ecosystem services provided by the rainforest.
In particular, using environmentaly extended multi regional Input-Output (Env-MRIO) tables, the project aims at:
• Assessing which sectors and countries are the main source of environmental degradation of the Amazon rainforest.
• Assessing the exposure of the global economy to ecosystem services provided by the
Amazon rainforest, identifying countries and sectors that are more likely to suffer economic losses.
•Identifying the direct and indirect effects of different degrees of deforestation, as well as the impact of policies aiming at protecting the Amazon Rainforest.
Background in Economic/StatisticalStudies
Strong Quantitative Skills
Good Programming Skills
Econometric/Statistical Skills
The selected candidate will join the research centre on Climate change impAct studies for RISk MAnagement (CARISMA)at IUSS Pavia. The CARISMA team is composed by STEM and Social scientists working in the prism of climate change on data analysis and modelling of Earth System and Economic System processes; impact assessment of extreme natural events and anthropogenic activities on human and natural environments; risk assessment and management of natural and anthropogenic hazards; and formulation/proposal of new economic, political and legal models of sustainable development.