Alexine Ehlinger

Soil Scientist

Paddy rice; methane emissions; C sequestration
Paris, France

Daniel Said Pullicino
Università di Torino
French, English, Italian

About me

I started my higher education with a bachelor's in Agrology and Plant Production in Montreal, before focusing on Soil Science, and more specifically, on Soil Biogeochemistry with an international master. Soils play an important role in the C cycle, and in the future, I would like to continue working on their C sequestration potential as a means to mitigate climate change.

My research

Paddy rice is known as an important methane (CH4) source; however, its anaerobic conditions also mean slower microbial organic matter decomposition, making paddy soils important C stocks. My PhD project aims to investigate the role of soil properties, particularly Fe-oxides and microbial activity, on C allocation (C sequestration vs CH4 emissions). This will be done through the use of isotopes (13C) to trace the fate of C in this agro-ecosystem.