Bosone Costanza


ESG, Sustainable Finance, Labour Economics

Sustainable finance and egalitarian societies: the overlooked link between ESG and the Gini coefficient

Paola Cerchiello; Paolo Giudici
Università di Pavia
Italian,English,French, German

About me

I did my bachelor in Economics at the University of Pavia. During my M.Sc. I enrolled in the double degree programme between Unipv and the University of Excellence of Tübingen (Germany) and subsequently earned two Masters. Core focus for both is International Economics. At present moment, I am a second year ph.D. student at IUSS University and carrying out a traineeship at the ECB.

My research

My supervisors are prof. Giudici (full professor of Statistics,Unipv) and prof. Cerchiello (associate professor of Statistics, Unipv). I am conducting my research on the interaction between ESG and Inequality. My first paper "Are ESG female: the hidden benefits of female presence on corporate performance" got published on the ICEA journal. I now aim at enlarging the dataset and conducting a macro-economic analysis.