Filippo Emilio Scarsi

Aerospace Engineer

spaceborne radars; microwave remote sensing; convection science
Torino, Italy

Alessandro Battaglia
Polytechnic of Turin
English, Italian

About me

A recently graduated Aerospace Engineer from Polytechnic of Turin with a deep interest in remote sensing, Earth Observation and space exploration. I worked on preliminary studies related to the ESA E11 WIVERN mission. My work consisted in finding a methodology to calibrate millimeter conically scanning spaceborne radars through orbital intersections and in finding mispointing correction methods for the WIVERN doppler radar.

My research

Deep convection is an important yet unmeasured process in the climate system. The NASA's INCUS mission will provide observations of time evolution of convective storm through a constellation of satellites equipped with Ka-band radars. The scope of my research is to perform studies in preparation of the mission, such as: to simulate INCUS measurements, to develop methods for the derivation of convective-related quantities through INCUS retrievals.