Gian Luca Spadoni

Environmental Engineer

wildfires; deforestation; land management
Rome, Italy

Davide Ascoli, Renzo Motta
Università di Torino
Italian, English, French, Spanish

About me

Graduated in Environmental Engineering at the University of Rome La Sapienza, I completed my training in Spain and France. Given my interest in land planning, I did my master’s thesis on land use changes in Italy at the ISPRA research center, where subsequently I got my first research scholarship. Back then I started deepening the topic of natural spaces management, being particularly fascinated by forest ecosystems dynamics.

My research

My research is focused on natural and human-induced forest disturbances. I am particularly interested in wildfires and deforestation, as well as the interactions between them. By studying disturbances geographical and temporal distributions, I aim to identify the best governance strategies to deal with these processes, within the current climate change scenario. My case studies go from European alpine regions to South American tropical forests.