Martina Di Sessa


environmental chemistry, environmental remediation, reuse, bacteria, biomaterials
Agropoli, Italy

Characterization and application of biomaterlas produced from antartic bacteria

Sandra Pucciarelli
Università degli Studi di Camerino
Italian, English and Portuguese

About me

I am a chemist, and during my last year of the master, I spent a period in Portugal, where I specialized myself in energy storage matter and environmental chemistry. I joined this Phd programme because my objective is to apply my knowledge to invest for the future, to help in looking for alternative and innovative ways to improve the quality of life on this planet, by paying attention to the environment that sorrounds us.

My research

My research focuses on the characterization  of biomaterials produced from some antartcict bacteria. Those organisms can produce different materials, such as pigments, cellulose and bioplastic as a repsonse to adaptation to climate change. The intend is to find  applications in energy storage field, since the pigments are mostly electron shuttle, or also in environmental remediation, because those are able to bond to some metals and reduce them.